LMF CrestLa Maison Francaise, Inc
  • Life-size Two Large Bronze Statues Riace Warriors Style Erectheus & Eumolpos

     Height: 79"- 80"   Width: 28"  Depth: 19" - 18" 


     Life-size Two Large Bronze Statues Riace Warriors Style Erectheus & Eumolpos . The Original Riace Warriors Dating back to 460-430 BC were discovered on the Calabrian coast in the year 1972,after they’ve been restored now they sit at the museum of Reggio Calabria.

    It’s believed that when Rome conquered Greece, they stole most of the important artistic patrimoine and they transported them back to Rome.

    They have been as the warriors Tydeus and Amphiaraus. But the Very highly regarded historian and archaeologist Salvatore Setti identified them as Erectheus the son of Athena and Eumolpos the son of Poseidon.

    Over the years, we’ve seen small decorative cast statues made by foundries in Italy as “Bibelot”.

    The ones listed  have the approximate dimensions and details of the original Statues and by repute from the earlier casting, that’s why they have all of the right details and proportions. The casting would be around 1975-1985.


    HISTORY: The Riace Warriors (also referred to as the Riace bronzes or Bronzi di Riace) are two life-size Greek bronze statues of naked, bearded warriors. The statues were discovered by Stefano Mariottini in the Mediterranean Sea just off the coast of Riace Marina, Italy, on August 16, 1972. The statues are currently housed in the Museo Nazionale della Magna Grecia in the Italian city of Reggio Calabria. The statues are commonly referred to as “Statue A” and “Statue B” and were originally cast using the lost-wax technique.

    The Severe or Early Classical style describes the trends in Greek sculpture between c. 490 and 450 B.C.E. Artistically this stylistic phase represents a transition from the rather austere and static Archaic style of the sixth century B.C.E. to the more idealized Classical style. The Severe style is marked by an increased interest in the use of bronze as a medium as well as an increase in the characterization of the sculpture, among other features.

    The chronology of the Riace warriors has been a matter of scholarly contention since their discovery. In essence there are two schools of thought—one holds that the warriors are fifth century B.C.E. originals that were created between 460 and 420 B.C.E., while another holds that the statues were produced later and consciously imitate Early Classical sculpture. Those that support the earlier chronology argue that Statue A is the earlier of the two pieces. Those scholars also make a connection between the warriors and the workshops of famous ancient sculptors. For instance, some scholars suggest that the sculptor Myron crafted Statue A, while Alkamenes created Statue B. Additionally, those who support the earlier chronology point to the Severe Style as a clear indication of an Early Classical date for these two masterpieces.


    The art historian B. S. Ridgway presents a dissenting view, contending that the statues should not be assigned to the fifth century B.C.E., arguing instead that they were most likely produced together after 100 B.C.E. Ridgway feels that the statues indicate an interest in Early Classical iconography during the Hellenistic period.


    In terms of identifications, there has been speculation that the two statues represent Tydeus (Statue A) and Amphiaraus (Statue B), two warriors from Aeschylus’ tragic play, Seven Against Thebes (about Polyneices after the fall of his father, King Oedipus), and may have been part of a monumental sculptural composition. A group from Argos described by Pausanias (the Greek traveler and writer) is often cited in connection to this conjecture: “A little farther on is a sanctuary of the Seasons. On coming back from here you see statues of Polyneices, the son of Oedipus, and of all the chieftains who with him were killed in battle at the wall of Thebes

    Height: 79”-80”

    Width: 28”

    Depth: 19”-18”

    #lmfantiques #lamaisonfrancaise #antiques #melrose 

    #garden #fountain #landscape #statue #bronze  

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